Friday, June 01, 2007

Days of Open Hand

My husband came into my office to talk to me today. Not amazing? It might be amazing if you knew that I've spent more time in my office in the past two weeks than in the past two previous years. He noticed this picture thumbtacked to the wall for the first time. "Where was that taken?" he asked. "Iceland or Italy?"

"You've never noticed that picture?" I asked him incredulously. He never had. He never had because he hadn't ever really looked around my office. He never had because he hadn't really looked around my office because I hadn't really looked around my office. "Iceland," I said. "The picture was taken in Iceland.

"The spine is bound to last a life
Tough enough to take the pounding
Pages made of days of open hand."
--Suzanne Vega

1 Things not left unsaid:

Anonymous said...

The girl gets down to business!