Sunday, October 07, 2007

Spoonful of sugar...

I got this card from a friend, and I've spent a long time immersed in the blues of it. What would I plant in them if somehow these pots appeared on my doorstep? My first impulse was hardy red geraniums. So Tuscan. But then I remembered the dwarf lemon trees that I saw in a mail-order nursery catalog. Amazingly, the trees are small, but the lemons are normal-sized due to modern-day, man-made trickery. I love technology when it allows me to dream about growing lemon trees in my dining room, and I loved this card.

3 Things not left unsaid:

Fiona Ruby Dust said...

: ) I vote for lemon trees, on a hillside just above Florence.

John Eaton said...

Yes, that sounds lovely.

Lemon trees all around,


Misty said...

I can see why you love it! it is visually stunning and quite muse-like and invigorating! (and lemon trees sound perfect!)