Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm a dreadful blogger, and I'll tell you why. If things get really good, I don't write. And if things get really bad, well, I don't talk about that, either.

In this case, good things are happening. Namely, I've been driving my new PT around the entire southeast, and not thinking about blogging much at all. (Except for fleeting little thoughts like, "This would've made a brilliant blog entry....")

4 Things not left unsaid:

Misty said...

I admire you on both accounts...

Keetha said...

I'm hoping that the case is things are going extraordinarily well for you.

Family W said...

Love the car... :)

Keetha said...

You go witchyo bad self!

As you're crusing ("crusing," get it?) all over the southeast, let me know if you get over my way!