Saturday, November 15, 2008


Today I participated in my very first pre-school bake sale...I can't tell you how many times I thought, as I ran to the supermarket this morning for more eggs, of going to snag something pre-made from the bakery. Frankly, I felt a little daunted by the task. My pride won out, however, and I knew I just had to do it myself. I go through waves of domesticity...sometimes I find it mildly degrading--other times, like today, I find it to be almost a kind of salvation. As I drove these things to the school, rounding the curves slowly lest my creations fly into the floorboard, I felt a contented satisfaction at having made something with my hands on this brisk, fall Saturday morning.

When I was in the military, I had a friend named "Kaiser," and I thought of him today. Right before he would do something crazy or momentous or unusual, for which he had become famous, he would precede the action with the sentence, "WHY? Because there'll only be one 'fill in the blank with the date'." As I handed over that perfect cake, wrapped in cellophane and tied with ribbon, I asked myself why I bothered. And the answer, in Kaiser's voice came to me, "WHY? Because there's only one November 15, 2003." Amen. Every little push that you make beyond that zone of comfort you enjoy gets you one step closer toward feeling like you can do anything in the world.

P.S. This post is brought to you by the Husband...while my laptop is being worked on he bought me this "baby 'puter" by which to blog. He didn't want you (or me) to miss a thing. (:

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5 Things not left unsaid:

Candace said...

I bake in December and that's it. Good for you for doing it, too.
A gold star beside your name.

PS --
I have a little postcard (vintage) on my fridge. A '50s housewife with an open book sits in front of a mathematical equation on a board behind her.

The caption reads:
"If you can bake a cake, you can build a bomb."

I don't think folks who don't bake don't realize it's not only an art, it's a science!
have a good one.

Jacqui G said...

And now you can add Bake Sale Goddess to your resume!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful packaging, too! Send me that recipe for fat-free chocolately thingies.

Anonymous said...

beautiful! even if you had bought things from the store, your elegant packaging would have rendered them exquisite!

Vanessa said...

yay for bake sales! and i love you baby puter! how cute!