Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gathering What Inspires

I set about gathering fuel for the fire...both figuratively and literally. I searched around the house for the things close at hand that get me started thinking, feeling, seeing. My friend Jane gave me my Christmas present in this glass-fronted wooden box, and what should end up there but all of my favorite writing tools? My two favorite fountain pens and their inks, my Cavallini stamps, my French General labels, my stationery-of-the-moment, my peacock blue magnifying glass, and my red sealing wax all have found their rightful home there. (Thanks, Jane!)
And the scent! It's Tokyo Milk's new "Let Them Eat Cake," and it smells like sugar cookies baking with a side note of scandal...and the BOOKS! I revel in the creativity of Kaari Meng, Mary Jane Butters, Sabrina Ward Harrison, and Kelly Rae Roberts on a Sunday evening, and by Monday morning I'm feeling a little creative myself.

And there's always something new on the horizon, like the January issue of Victoria, which I won't allow myself to even flip through until I'm finished reading the December...

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5 Things not left unsaid:

Keetha said...

So nice. Just...lovely.

Candace said...

Hey there, as always, your photos make me enter a realm of golden days and nights, creativity and joy.
Have a wonderful week and weekend.
Seasons greetings!

femminismo said...

I swear I am going to run away from home and come to your house! Will you be opening a bed and breakfast any time soon? I'll remember: guests and fish stink after three days. - jeanne said...

Can I come for a visit and sit in front of the fireplace and just read for a while? I promise to be very quiet and well behaved. I'll even bring cookies.

Southern Girl said...

Thanks, gals, for all of your kind comments! And all of you are welcome anytime!