Saturday, December 08, 2007


I just spent the morning at a salon getting my hair dyed Kate-Walsh-red, and it looks and feels great! When men want a drastic change, they buy a new car. Women just mess with their hair. (: This is the picture I took in as an example of what I wanted:

I love, love, love my stylist, and one hour with her, I'm positive, equals about a month with a (good) psychiatrist. Hairapy, to be sure. When you leave her and go buy milk and cheese in the grocery store next door, you're smiling, and you're confident enough to look people right in the eye again.

3 Things not left unsaid:

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute -- I go from redhead to brunette for the first time since I was 15 and you go from brunette to redhead? And what is the bright idea of you NOT posting a picture? Cough it up!

Misty said...

I am sure it is beautiful. Your stylist sounds wonderful, I am officially jealous...

Keetha said...

I know it looks mahvelous. I'm with Gretchen - show it off!