Saturday, September 06, 2008

Panini Benedict

Douceur de France, you had me at bonjour. File this one under "highly recommended." The poached eggs, perfectly cooked. The hollandaise was SPOT ON. Leave it to the French, baby. JUST LEAVE IT TO THE FRENCH. (: Oh, and the little cake of "hashbrowns ala Francaise" on the side? They describe them as "crisped shredded potatoes filled with green onions and parmesan cheese." Heaven on earth, I tell you.

2 Things not left unsaid:

Mrs. G. said...

Eggs bennies are my weakness. Mr. G. make a full-time job of finding the best in Seattle.

femminismo said...

Ooh! You are eating so good. Gotta' love this photo. Secondhand enjoyment through photos.